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3 Primary Reasons to Consider a Wellpoint Dewatering System

by Nisanur Kronenberg

A high groundwater table is one of the biggest challenges civil engineers face during construction projects. It's a considerable problem for foundations that reach deeper into the ground. Thus, groundwater management is crucial for the success of any construction project, making techniques like wellpoint dewatering mandatory. 

These dewatering systems play a critical role in lowering water tables, which, in turn, facilitates deeper excavations for your foundations. They ensure that your foundation remains dry and stable if flooding occurs. 

This article will discuss three primary reasons to consider a wellpoint dewatering system over other techniques. Read on to learn more. 

Adjustable as Per Specific Project Needs 

Every construction project is unique, and so are the required dewatering systems. For instance, construction dewatering adapts seamlessly with deep wells compared to sump pumps. Ideally, sup pumps are an excellent fit for shallow excavations. Furthermore, this dewatering technique is costly because you must invest in different units for every individual project. 

On the contrary, wellpoint dewatering systems can adjust to specific project needs. For example, single-stage wellpoint systems adapt well to shallow excavations, but you can add second-stage wellpoint systems when dealing with deeper excavations. Besides, these systems can effectively handle low silt soil pressure while offering optimal performance in sandy soils.  

They Minimise Excavation Costs 

The success of any excavation project relies on the use of proper equipment and systems. Thus, choosing a top-performance dewatering system, effective in different site conditions is critical in reducing overall project costs. 

Because wellpoint dewatering systems can adapt to various site conditions, you will not require to invest in other specialised dewatering systems. Thus, this helps significantly lower the total cost of your project and is something every developer wishes to achieve. Furthermore, you will spend less training workers on how to run a single dewatering system than multiple systems. 

They're Quick and Easier to Install

Any construction project has a specified timeline that any developer must beat. However, construction on high groundwater tables is tricky and time-consuming. When undertaking such projects, avoid dewatering systems that demand plenty of installation time. Such systems will only lengthen the timeframe of your project. 

To avoid this problem, consider effective solutions like wellpoint dewatering systems that are easier to install and set-up. These systems don't take more set-up time, and you only need to connect smaller wells to a primary header pipe featuring a suction pump. Furthermore, they don't demand more labour during installation.  

